Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another Day, Another Package

Don't you just hate it when you're stark naked in your bedroom deciding what to wear for the day and a delivery man knocks on your front door? Yikes! Threw the PJs back on (which isn't how I usually like to answer my front door but hey, better than naked) and ran to collect my next bundle of fabrics from him. Seems they've decided to drip feed them to me as only the second package arrived today. Another one tomorrow I guess. Lovely, aren't they?!

Oh, and here's a shot of my new cushions for the lounge. I have just one green one left to make. I have decided I'm gonna do it as a tutorial. Feel like a bit of a fraud given I'm not really a master sempstress or anything and it's probably not done correctly from a technical perspective but I did make the pattern up myself just by looking at some other cushions we had and it is REALLY easy so can't hurt to share. Maybe someone else can make use of it. Anyway, I'll sew the last one when I've time to also sit and photograph and take notes along the way.

And last but not least, Hanc**k's of Paducah are running a free shipping promotion. Just posting that in case anyone does stumble upon my blog and would like to take advantage of it.

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