Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And then there were two

I did manage to finish the elastic on my first Christmas dress on Sunday. I photographed it for you. I wasn't happy with it, however, as (what you can't see in the photo but I wish now I'd snapped) where the top of the neckline folds over and is sewed down to the dress, it was coming away. The method advised in the pattern instructions for if you are sewing without an overlocker/serger is to just fold it down, press it, and zigzag stitch all the way around, leaving the obligatory inch at the back to thread the elastic. So, this is what I did. But I musn't have done a wide enough zigzag as it really only caught the very edge of the fabric and once the elastic was in and pulling the fabric, it didn't old. Decided to unpick it all, zigzag the edge and then just sew it down using a normal straight top stitch. Only issue was I'd run out of thread. D'oh! So, yesterday saw me back at Spotlight purchasing some new thread (among other things) and last night at my sewing class I re-finished the neckline.

I had also started working on the second Christmas dress on the weekend. I managed to get it all cut out and the bodice sewn up. Then last night I pretty much completed the rest. Just left with the elastic to put into the neckline. Only a few mins worth of work and it nearly killed me to not finish it but when the class is scheduled to finish at 9pm and everyone is packed up and waiting to leave, "just another 5 mins" doesn't really go down well. I'm hoping to find a few spare mins later this afternoon to do it. Gotta get some work finished first, though. Then it's just a matter of attaching some sashes and they're done. Nice.

Had hoped to pick up some shirred fabric from spotlight for those overalls I want to try but they only had some boring plain colours and it was $20 per m. They had heaps of lovely options last year that were way cheaper. I know because I made us all some dresses. Maybe I can sacrifice my dresses to overalls. I'm not overly attached to them. Just liked the fabric.

Oh, and done of these days I'll get back to my cushion cover tutorial. I haven't forgotten.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


A sewing blog without progress photos is really rather boring. So, thougth I'd share a snapshot of where I am up to with the first Christmas dress. I haven't done any more since my class on monday night so this is it with the skirt and lining gathered and joined and then all of that attached to the bodice.
Elastic around sleeves and neckline and sash around waist to come. Need to purchase a new bit of ribbon for the sash around the waist. The colour I got is, I think, perfect (a lovely light purple), but I've decided that I'd like it a bit thicker. I think. At least I'll go and see if there is a thicker version of the colour I want. Hopefully I'll get to finish it off on the weekend sometime. Mostly likely Sunday.
I want to do Santa photos with the girls tomorrow. I have the below batik fabric that I was thinking would make some cute pillowcase dresses. Wonder if I'd have any chance whatsoever of getting some knocked up tonight. They look pretty easy so you wouldn't think they'd take a massive amount of time to sew.

Hmm, but then again I was considering a spot of late night shopping tonight with my sister and I do have these gorgeous skirts my mum bought the girls last year (sorry 'bout the sideways photo. I have rotated it and deleted and re-uploaded a few times but it's just not happening) that they've been waiting to grow into. Mum is coming with us to get the Santa photos so it'd be nice if the girls were wearing her skirts. I'm not a fan of dressing them exactly the same but I can go with tops and shoes in different colours. Yeah, I think I'll do that. The pillowcase dresses can bide (might add that I've been searching for a tutorial that I like the look of and have found this one so when I do get there, I'll follow this).
Oh, and um, Two Little Fairies Fabric may have had a sale on her facebook page on Wednesday night and I may have purchased yet more fabric. But how I could I not? It was sale!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cuteness All Round

I finished the second pair of PJs on the weekend and last night the girls wore them to bed for the first time. They were very excited, which was nice for mummy after all her hard work to produce them (those collars are quite fiddly - made me feel like I had very fat fingers!). Even this morning when I took her sleeping bag off and re-exposed her new PJs, D was exclaiming in admiration. Here's a pic of them this morning in their new PJs whilst enjoying their "mook".

Nearly finished one of the Christmas dresses at my course last night. Skirt is all gathered and attached to the bodice (pleats weren't that bad actually and everyone seems to think they look fine - yay!). Just needs elastic around the neckline and sleeves and a ribbon around the waist. I had purchased some ribbon already but have decided that I think I would like it to be wider so it'll be back to the shops for some more, which is fine because I need some other supplies as well. My next project, I think, will be some sun hats for all 3 of us so I'll need to get some nice stiff interfacing. I've been looking at patterns on line and found one that is a) nice and b) seems to have sizing for adults as well as kids. Also, at the local Farmer's Markets on the weekend I saw these lovely little overall thingys made from shirred fabric. They were really sweet and I think they'd be quite easy to sew so I want to pick myself up some shirred fabric and give them a go. My stepmother was with me and is very good at sewing so she'll help me sort the pattern out. Oh, and I think I'd like to sew some cute ruffled nappy covers for them because their little nappies poke out the bottom of some of their summer dresses. Okay when they are wearing pretty cloth nappies but when we're out and about with sposies on, it'll look nicer. Have started hunting for patterns for those too. I think I just need to find a pattern for the actual pants and then lookl up some youtube tutorials re making ruffles. Anyway, those ponderings are for when I get that far through my to do list.

Boy oh boy, this sewing thing was like opening a Pandora's Box. Projects are lining themselves up at a rate of knots!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Christmas Table Runner for the Eb swap is finished. I think I am happy with it. Well, it looks alright from afar anyway. I don't like the fabric as much in real life as I did in the pic on the internet but all bound and finished it looks quite nice. I quilted it on the machine doing a diamond kind of pattern. Didn't always sew as straight as I may have liked. Binding is a tad scary in places. I've never worked with bias binding before. In theory (and in my mind) it would be easy peasy but again, didn't always sew as straight as I would've liked and that affected it. I unpicked parts of it a few times to redo it but have decided to call it a day. It's the back side of it anyway. Again, just don't look too closely and it's fine. Hope my swapee likes it. Posting it 1 Dec. Here is a sneak peak. I'll add some clearer photos later after my swapee has received it. Don't want to completely ruin the surprise.

Finished the first set of PJs on Monday night at my course. The best part is, they fit. YAY! I have never done button holes before. Discovered it's REALLY easy. You do have to be careful to be precise but that's as hard as it gets. Have cut out and started to sew the second pair because we are getting really close to needing them. I have 1 other set of summer PJs but definitely need at least 2. It was roasting last weekend so the other set came out. It's cooled off again now but still, I need to hurry. Will try to get them finished across the weekend and then next week at my course I can go back to working on the Christmas dresses for the girls.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

YAY for deliveries!

I have recieved some very exciting things in the post over the last 24 hours.

  1. my third package from FQS - 4 weeks after the first 2 arrived and nearly 6 weeks after I ordered it.
  2. some new shoes for the girls that I had ordered from Preschoolians. There'd been a bit of a drama with my order (without boring you with the details I just want to make it clear that Preschoolians have been FANTASTIC the whole way - love 'em!) so it'd been a bit of a wait. I was very excited to receive them.
  3. My new camera. Happy dance!!!!! (that arrived at 8:30am this morning - when I commented on how early he was the poor delivery guy told me someone shut his hand in their front door yesterday and broke his finger. It was all bandaged up but I could see the dried blood leaking from under the bandage and his finger was heading off in an odd direction from about 1/3 of the way up. He said he's off to the hospital this afternoon to have it set. Can't believe he was still working. OUCH!)

Also, according to the tracking website for UPS my pram should be here today. Oh my, I will be beside myself if it really does turn up. Scared it won't as I have to go out tomorrow and Monday so chances are I will miss it and I don't think I can bare waiting until Tuesday knowing it's in the country. The first one of these prams I ordered (the one that got pinched) they initially tried to deliver on a Friday, 5 mins before I arrived home and so I had to live the weekend through waiting for it. Please can I not have to endure such an horrendous experience the second time around?!!!!! (especially given this time I have no pram at all whereas last time I still had my side by side run-of-the-mill twin pram). - ***UPDATE*** Oh crap, the tracking website is now telling me it's due for delivery on Monday (and given I'll be out means Tuesday - don't even know who the local carrier is so can't call them to tell them). Why, oh why could they not have updated with that when they updated with the "in transit - on time for delivery" (which I had been advised previously was estimated for today)? My expectations were all built up and now they've been just been shot down. I realise this is nothing to do with sewing. Just venting. Between that and finding out that something I have spent hours and hours and freakin' hours on at work is a pile of poo because I was given incorrect data from my team mates and I'm feeling all lousy and dejected. Bring on wine o'clock, I say!

So, with camera in hand, it's time for some photos.

This is what arrived in my belated and final FQS delivery yesterday. The left hand 2 are flannel so will likely become PJs next winter (or PJ tops at least because I think there may not be enough for a full set but I'll get some plain flannel for the pants or something). The right 2 items are the ones I have been waiting on so impatiently. The top right is the backing fabric for my table runner (with which I now have a date this weekend) and the bottom right is for the second dress I want to make at my sewing course. Of course I ordered another 1.5 yards of the backing fabric so that is now on it's way from Fabric Shack. It can bide for another project. It's got a Christmas vibe but is not necessarily limited to just Christmas so it can be used for something else or maybe I just hang onto it and use it for little outfits for the girls next year. I had also ordered more of a different fabric from Fabric Shack for the second dress at the sewing course. So, once that arrives I will have 2 fabrics to choose from. Interestingly they were the first 2 I wanted but there wasn't enough of of one of them at FQS so I ordered and received the other one and started making the dress. So, now I have to choose the second dress from both of my first preferences. Oh the challenges life brings!

Here is what I picked up on sale from Hanc**k's when they had their free shipping offer. This is the stuff that arrived last week. This pic is the yardage. I got 1 yard of each.

And this pic is a fat quarter bundle of batiks that I picked up because they were pretty and cheap.

And now onto the update from my sewing course. This is what I have made so far. Looking at it like this it doesn't look much for 3 weeks of 2hr sessions. Bottom left is the top of one of the girls' Christmas dresses. Middle is the almost completed PJ top and top right is the fabric for the second set of PJs. Once I've finished my TR I might start doing some of this stuff at home. If I can find time, of course, between babies and housework and working etc.

Think I'll leave it there for now.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coming soon...

Seems I should have a camera again soon. Maybe even by the end of the week. Oh please? Please? Please? I have found it really hard with no camera. I have 2 such beautiful girls doing so many cute things and no way of taking pics of it. They played with their daddy out the back with a hose for the first time the other day. No photos. We went out for a family breakfast on Sunday (rare treat to have their dad home from work) and they sat at big chairs (2 stacked on top of each other) for the first time. No photos. Delilah is counting and Sophie says "mango" in the cutest way possible and I am dying to get it on video. I know, I know, I can take others and they'll say those things again. But I can't take these ones again. They only do their first things once. Anyway, the DSLR is being shipped today (I had to follow up with the insurance company - the girl I am dealing with there had authorised the quote they'd received for it about 10 days ago but I'd heard nothing from the supplier - wish I'd followed up sooner!). The iPhone has been ordered but Apple has a 2 week delay in shipping because they are so popular. I'm a week into that wait so hopefully early next week.

Then, of course, I'd love to share some photos with you of the new fabric I received last week and the progress on the PJs I'm making. Also bought some other fabric from Spotlight for the second pair of PJs. This too has owls on it. Really pretty. Different to the other stuff but continues the theme.

And, still stalking my front door for fabric deliveries. Sigh.

So, stay tuned, I guess...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


My order from Hanc**k's just arrived (insert happy dance). That took 2 weeks. If my FS order only takes 2 weeks then I'll actually get my Christmas TR done on time (gotta be posted 1 Dec). I'd love to take a photo of it for you. But, alas...

Oh, and can I just say, the delivery man really does need to think about investing in some deoderant. Even after he left and I bought the packages upstairs to open them (also recieved a dress I had ordered online yonks ago and a new toll pass for my car as I had to cancel the other one when the car got pinched) the smell was lingering. Ewwwwwwwww! All packaging has been speedily removed and turfed in the rubbish bin (outside - don't want to retain that in the house!).


Mum used to do this thing with us when we were kids that her mum used to do with her when she was little. You sit opposite each other with the very top of your foreheads touching. Then she'd roll her forehead down so the bottom of your faces come together and say, "owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwls" as she was doing it. Because of course your eyes look all big and close together and funny at such close quarters.

Anyway, I wasn't able to continue the dress I started last week at this week's sewing course lesson. I found the pattern a little unclear as to what exactly you need to cut out. The teacher at the course, my mum, and my stepmother (both of whom sew) also found it a little confusing. So, I cut out what I thought was right only to have a later epiphany and realise what it was the pattern was trying to tell us. At this point I also realised that whilst I still had plenty of fabric left, due to the way I'd cut out the other pieces I could not get the remaining peices from my fabric in the dimensions in which it's needed. So, I've ordered another 1/2 yard with my FS order and will put it aside for now.

Means I needed a new project. I purchased this cute owl fabric in my original FQS order. It was end of roll for them so I could ony get 1/2 yard. When I originally ordered they also had a white version but that was all gone by the time my order was cut. I've decided to make some PJs from this and then I'll find some kind of more plain fabric in a coordinating colour (probably just at spotlight) and make the second pair from that. I'll give it a little mix-n-match by doing the pocket on the owl pair from the other fabric and vice versa. The pattern I purchased is long sleeves and pants but I'm doing these for summer so have cut down to short sleeves and shorts. I quite literally had just enough in 1 yard - 1 meter would have been a more comfortable amount. I had to pin and cut one piece, then butt the next piece up exactly to the edge I'd just cut. Not a mm to spare. Will be slightly less finnicky with the second pair as purchasing in Aus, I'll get it in metres. That extra 9cm will make all the difference. Got it all cut out this week. Next week I'll start sewing. This is my chance to learn how to do button holes. In the meantime, need to go buy myself some buttons. Here's a little piccie of the fabric.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Waiting, waiting, waiting...

Still no third package from the Fat Quarter Shop (henceforth known as FQS because I'm sick of typing it in full). Nor have I seen the stuff from Hanc**k's AND now I have a new fabric order to add to the list of things I am waiting for. I re-ordered the backing fabric for my Christmas Table Runner (TR) swap since it's in the missing package from FQS. I ordered it from the Fabric Shack (FS) as they had a half price delivery deal (cost me all of $2.50) and it was cheaper there. I have heard from a few others on the EB web forums that they've ordered fabric from the US that has taken a month or more to arrive. We are jointly concluding that Aus customs may have had a minor meltdown with everyone taking advantage of the current state of the AUD and doing so much shopping online from the US. It has instilled in me a little hope that maybe, just maybe that third FQS package will arrive and in so doing made me feel impatiently cranky every day that it doesn't. Boo to that!

I'm also still waiting on my new camera and iPhone from my insurance claim along with a new pram (that was in the back of the car). Oh, and some new sandels for the girls. They found our car, by the way. The rotters (for want of a better word) who stole it took it for a joy ride through the bush (it's a 4WD). It was found dumped in the rather up-a-beaten-track carpark of a hardware store that sells to tradies. It was covered in mud and scratched down the entire length of each side from trees they didn't bother steering clear of, has a few dings in it, stinks of cigarette smoke (they kindly ashed all over the drivers door), has been so thoroughly cleaned of all it's contents I am surprised they didn't vacuum it for me, and is devoid of number plates. Currently with the insurance mob getting all fixed up.

Hopefully I will take delivery of the camera and/or iPhone this week (when I spoke to the case manager chick on Friday she'd received quotes for them and was going to authorise them so I can get my stuff) and then I can share some picks of where I am up to with my current creations including what I'm doing at my sewing course, the TR swap, and a few other bits and bobs. Might even have some fabric arrivals to share with you too by then.

But for now, off to internet research/shop for some new car seats for the girls for when we get the car back.