Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And then there were two

I did manage to finish the elastic on my first Christmas dress on Sunday. I photographed it for you. I wasn't happy with it, however, as (what you can't see in the photo but I wish now I'd snapped) where the top of the neckline folds over and is sewed down to the dress, it was coming away. The method advised in the pattern instructions for if you are sewing without an overlocker/serger is to just fold it down, press it, and zigzag stitch all the way around, leaving the obligatory inch at the back to thread the elastic. So, this is what I did. But I musn't have done a wide enough zigzag as it really only caught the very edge of the fabric and once the elastic was in and pulling the fabric, it didn't old. Decided to unpick it all, zigzag the edge and then just sew it down using a normal straight top stitch. Only issue was I'd run out of thread. D'oh! So, yesterday saw me back at Spotlight purchasing some new thread (among other things) and last night at my sewing class I re-finished the neckline.

I had also started working on the second Christmas dress on the weekend. I managed to get it all cut out and the bodice sewn up. Then last night I pretty much completed the rest. Just left with the elastic to put into the neckline. Only a few mins worth of work and it nearly killed me to not finish it but when the class is scheduled to finish at 9pm and everyone is packed up and waiting to leave, "just another 5 mins" doesn't really go down well. I'm hoping to find a few spare mins later this afternoon to do it. Gotta get some work finished first, though. Then it's just a matter of attaching some sashes and they're done. Nice.

Had hoped to pick up some shirred fabric from spotlight for those overalls I want to try but they only had some boring plain colours and it was $20 per m. They had heaps of lovely options last year that were way cheaper. I know because I made us all some dresses. Maybe I can sacrifice my dresses to overalls. I'm not overly attached to them. Just liked the fabric.

Oh, and done of these days I'll get back to my cushion cover tutorial. I haven't forgotten.


  1. Why, thank you! I STILL have the sashes to attach. I will get there. Really I will.
