Friday, March 25, 2011

My Little Uptown Girls

Yesterday I completed the girls winter jackets.  I spent the better part of 2 days just sitting and sewing.  I made one rather time consuming error 2hrs in where I realised I needed to unpick almost the whole lot and it took me another 2 hours from there to get back to where I had been (or should have been had I not made the mistake).  I was doing it production line style so that meant I made one mistake and then replicated it with each piece.  Ooops.  Oh well.  Other than that it was relatively smooth sailing and it really is quite a straight forward pattern to work with. I am pleased with the result and really love the fabric.  The girls were out playing with their grandparents yesterday (thus I was able to sit and sew) and were very excited with the jackets.  They put them on immediately and ran outside to play.  Even though it was a balmy 28C so jackets were hardly required.  I’ve included some pics below of the jackets and the girls tearing around the yard with them on.  They will now be put away in the cupboard and await their 2nd birthday.  This is their main present from my husband and I.  Their birthday is not until the beginning of May but we are moving house between now and then and I have lots of packing to do so needed to get them over and done with. 

jacketsS climbingS slideS runningD slideD walking


  1. I love, love, love them! you clever girl.

  2. Thanks Vee. I am feeling a tad proud of myself. And I only pricked myself abotu 6 times with no blood on the garments. So, all in all, it was a win.

  3. They are beautiful - congrats on such a lovely job. So what's next off the machine?

  4. They look fantastic, you've done an awesome job!!!
